In Partnership With Schools - The Cleeve Bookshop

In Partnership With Schools


Working with our local schools in support of children's reading and access to books is very important to The Cleeve Bookshop.

World Book Day is an annual event the Cleeve Bookshop is delighted to support.  We will always order in ALL of the World Book Day books in sufficient quantity for every local child to be able to claim a FREE BOOK with their World Book Day voucher.  We are very happy to go into schools and help distribute these books during February and March.

Our shop has good contacts with publishers and we are able to help organise author events in schools on request.

Similarly, we always accept invitations to attend school fetes and other literacy events and will offer either a discount to parents on their purchases, or a percentage of sales to schools so that they can purchase more books for children to read.

We are happy to provide schools with vouchers as prizes or gifts for your children and we offer 10% discount on voucher purchases.  We can provide ‘Cleeve Bookshop’ Vouchers in denominations of £5.00, £10.00, and £20.00. 

Finally, we offer schools 20% discount on any stock picks and orders, with just a few exceptions around reading scheme books. 


 World Book Day Books 2024

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